Unique T-shirts, NuVet, Taste of the Wild Ancient Grains dog food, Victor dog food, and Ruffland Kennels.
Ruffland Crates/Kennels
We have used Ruffland crates and are very pleased with the results. These have been especially helpful in containing/transporting our wide array of working dogs. Made in the USA of strong, composite material, these crates are absolutely amazing. The door/s are made in such a way as to discourage chewing and are quieter than most crates. Contact us for pricing and size availability (we almost always have the XL in stock): info@conifercanine.com. There are many fake “ruffland” reps on social media…you can verify our status as a dealer/supplier by visiting the Ruffland site and clicking on “where to find.”
T-shirts for Sale
Conifer Canine has uniquely-designed t-shirts representing a variety of dog training disciplines. One design includes a common saying around here: Excellence Travels Down the Leash. Another design is directed towards those who do decoy/helper work, with both a realistic yet humorous definition of the decoy. Another is for those who love K9 work: intensity, passion, lifestyle. And our newest shirt is for lovers of the German Shepherd: everything else is just a dog. Various sizes and colors available. Shipping is available.
Order by calling 800-795-4201.

Conifer Canine is a dealer for NuVet Lab products
We agreed to deal with NuVet because they strive, as we do, to provide an excellent product! When contacting NuVet, use code 84786 to order (code is required to order). NuVet is all-natural, human grade nutritional supplement that gives outstanding results! It is Safe, Natural, Water Soluble, and easy on the stomach. Great for puppies too! We use NuVet and NuJoint with our own dogs and puppies! We have heard some amazing results from our clients who use these. These products are a bit pricey but they work!

Call now to Order
8-5pm PST, M-F
800-795-4201 Use order code 84786
Save 15% and never run out by choosing “Auto Ship” at checkout!
For more info and/or to order NuVet or NuJoint CLICK HERE!
NuVet is guaranteed for 30 days – or your money back! It strengthens the immune system, aids with digestion, is amazing for the skin/coat!
Conifer Canine is a retailer for the Ancient Grain formulas of Taste of the Wild: Ancient Wetlands, Ancient Prairie, Ancient Mountain, and Ancient Stream.