Realistic Expectations in becoming a professional dog trainer

What can I expect in my quest to become a certified dog trainer?
When a student enrolls in one of the exceptional courses offered at the Dog Trainer College, a major hurdle will be crossed. What the student knows about dogs will school for dog trainersgrow exponentially. Hands-on experience is gained. Hundreds of hours of priceless education is received. You will be taught the skills you need for the career you want. Graduates will have the knowledge necessary to excel in their chosen field.
Then what?
Realistically, the graduate can expect almost immediate and long-term growth. While it can take awhile to establish yourself as a credible trainer, solid and proven tips are given during your education at the Dog Trainer College to facilitate your success. Once implemented, your phone will begin to ring and your website will begin to get hits. The skills received in your course of study will help to turn those phone calls into clients.
You may also expect to put in some long hours of work in order get yourself established. Some new trainers work another job until things are well established. Others make the leap into full-time training almost immediately. Some of this will depend upon the capital available as well as personality type. Most successful trainers will experience growing pains at some point. Some can hire help immediately, others postpone hiring. The bottom line is…hard work pays off. If you’re willing to invest the time and capital, and implement the education you have earned, clients will come.
You can expect satisfaction from a job well done. As you apply your education into everyday operations, the dogs you train will develop into mannerful examples of your professional capabilities. Clients begin to share with their friends how well their dog was trained. Reviews are formed, and your credibility is confirmed. Vets and groomers recognize your ability and refer their clients to you for training (it would be good for you to return the favor). The dog who doesn’t tolerate children now lies peacefully in the bedroom beside that son or daughter. The vicious dog who wants to fight every other dog he sees can now be walked sanely down the street while other dogs are barking at him/her. The dog who is afraid of her own shadow now steps forward in trust and confidence. Yes, certified trainer, you can expect to do well.
You can also expect dissatisfied clients. There will be some clients who will not be satisfied no matter what you do or don’t do. Our society has created a generation of whiners and complainers who can never be pleased. They will always “know” more than you do, can give you their “superior” reasoning, and may stomp away with a ruined dog and blame you for their own ineptitude. What do you do? You have to remember that you are a professional. While feelings may get hurt, you can rest in the fact that you gave an honest days work in training, did your best to educate the owner, offered free follow-up, and bent over backward to please…but with no positive result. You can’t let this get you down. You must bounce back and continue to offer the excellent service that you are capable of.
In spite of a few negatives (every job has them), you can expect a fulfilling career. After all, who else gets to work with dogs every day, mold their lives, better their relationship with humans and other dogs, and produce better canine citizens for society?! YOU do! The professional trainer! You can expect a comfortable income – or more. While we’re not trying to convey a get-rich-quick scheme, there is job security and comfort in making a living as certified dog trainer. Federal statistics prove and predict this well into the future.
The bottom line is… if you’re willing to give it your best shot, chances are very high that you will succeed and excel as a professional dog trainer. Enroll today and see what the Dog Trainer College can do for you.