Unique, Non-traditional Education

What makes an education at the Dog Trainer College so unique?  Thanks for asking.

The training venue is set up completely different than traditional classrooms.  Here, you’re not stuck in a stuffy classroom all day.  Yes, an education atStudent1.1 DTC includes lectures and classwork.  But one of the huge advantages of our type of education is that you will be able to immediately implement what you have learned in the classroom.  In traditional education, the student may have to wait for 2 or 4 years to apply what he has learned.  Here, you can learn the head-work of a particular skill and then proceed to the training field/s to put it into action – almost immediately.

Our courses are collegiate level.  However the subject matter focuses on what you really care about:  training dogs.  Subjects that are not directly related to dog training are not included in our courses.  You apply to become a dog trainer so dog training is what you’ll get!  Your tuition money is not wasted on subjects that have little or nothing to do with dog training.  Each course outline can be viewed on our website.

At the Dog Trainer College, it’s all about dog training and what you will need to operate on a professional level.  Our courses are largely hands-on.  That’s because most of a dog trainer’s time is spent doing hands-on things.  Most trainers will also spend some time in the office – answering emails, uploading web material, and answering phone calls.  But the vast majority of a dog trainer’s time is actually training dogs.  So that is where we focus your education.

Differing from traditional education establishments is – in our opinion – a strength, not a weakness.  Costs are kept low, courses are developed with aDog Trainer College concentrated goal in mind, and students are not “straight-jacketed” or “rubber-stamped” into being like everyone else in the crowd.

If learning to correctly train dogs is your goal, then the Dog Trainer College is for you.