What Makes a Good Dog Trainer?

A dog listens intently to its trainer

It almost goes without saying that being a dog trainer is a very cool job. You get the satisfaction of helping people and animals and get to spend your days working with the best clients of all: dogs. While the job may appeal to a lot of people, it’s not for everyone. There are certain traits you must have if you want to be a successful dog trainer. Here are a few of them:

Be a Dog Person

This one may be obvious, but it’s nonetheless important to mention. If you’ve ever been good with dogs, if dogs tend to like you, if you’ve had success getting your own dog to follow your orders, you may be right for the job. But if not, then consider another line of work. Love of and compassion for dogs is a cornerstone of dog training.

Be Patient

Patience is an absolutely vital virtue for a dog trainer. Not every dog will immediately take to what you’re trying to instill. Some dogs take more time to learn and need more care and attention. You have to be prepared to provide that.

Be a Good Communicator

It’s important for dog trainers to be a good communicator to both the dog and the owner. The trainer has to be able to adapt their communication style to whatever the dog or owner need. Also, it’s key that you speak clearly and confidently as a trainer.

Be Flexible

Things will not always go according to plan. Sometimes clients will have to reschedule an appointment or will want to meet at an odd hour. Sometimes a dog will behave in a way that you will not anticipate. Occasionally, this may require you to throw out whatever you had carefully prepared. So, it’s important to be able to adapt quickly and think on your feet. You clients and their furry friends will appreciate it.

Looking to get into the field of dog training? Dog Trainer College offers a variety of courses that you can choose from. Call  800-795-4201 today for more information!